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8 tips to Grow Your Business on Instagram


Promoting your  business on Instagram  should be part of your  online marketing strategy,  if you want to take advantage of the potential that this social network has. Now that the transition from  offline  to digital strategies has proven to bring multiple benefits, this is a goal that it would be advisable for you to set. Not only will it be profitable for you, but you will be able to reach your potential clients in an effective and simple way.

8 tips to grow on Instagram

About  500 million people in the world use this social network every day.  Of them, 80% follow, at least, a company profile. In Spain there are 50 million. So you can take advantage of all that potential, here are some tips. You will see how you gain traction on your company profile in a short time and begin to add  followers .

1. Publish  stories

After beating Facebook, Instagram had become accustomed to being the most used social network. Until TikTok arrived. Now, to fight against this fierce competition, audiovisual content has begun to take precedence over photographs with filters, which were its hallmark.

Therefore, if you publish  stories,  your brand will be much better positioned. More users will see you and you will be able to attract more traffic to your profile and your blog. Remember that 1 in 3  most viewed story  posts have been created by brands. Furthermore, half of the brands with a presence on this network publish at least one  story  a month. It must be for a reason, right?

2. Publish  reels

Something similar to what happens with  stories  happens in the case of  reels. Many are tremendously clever and entertaining. His audience is huge. Therefore, creating your own  reels  helps you  grow on Instagram  and gives you greater visibility than you could have ever imagined with photographs or stories  , not to mention other  traditional marketing  methods. One more point in its favor is that you can access the statistics provided by the social network. This way you will know the acceptance of each one you upload and you will be able to adapt your strategy to make it more effective.

3. Define your brand identity

Starting out on Instagram  is something that you must do in a planned way. You should also put it into practice after reflecting on your brand identity, your values, your mission and your business vision. Once you have done this preliminary work, you must define your brand well in your profile on this social network. How do you do it? With messages that transmit your values, that evoke the emotions you want your audience to feel, with the concepts you want them to know. It's something like creating your  personal brand ,  but, in this case, with a company.

4. Optimize your professional profile

To optimize your profile you must log into your account, fill in all the information, verify the profile and configure it as a business account. It is important to complete this entire process until it is completely finished. For example,  insert the URL of your business,  profile photo and action button. This way, you can optimize the use of your account and attract more potential customers.

5. Create an editorial calendar for Instagram

Another issue that you should not overlook is the  preparation and monitoring of an editorial calendar. In it you must include a publication schedule, with its content, date and times. Try various options to discover what times and what types of content attract more customers, more interactions and more positive reactions. The key is to find a publishing rhythm that keeps your followers interested. Remember that you must entertain and transmit your brand identity, to create that feeling of trust and attachment with your audience.

If you are interested in better managing the content you upload to Instagram, Xtudeo offers you an online course in which  you will get your own editorial calendar and  tips  to apply in your day.

6. Connect your account with your other social networks

Instagram is a platform focused on images, video and sound. It differs in some formatting issues from others such as  Facebook and Twitter . However, a good option is to connect all your social networks, as a way of attracting traffic to your blog and interacting between those networks themselves. You can use the tools available on the networks themselves or opt for an automation tool, one of the many that allows you to easily and quickly manage all of them.

7. Engage your audience

Encourage your followers to participate by uploading photographs or videos with your products, so that you can share them on your  feed . You can also create a  challenge  ,  which is something very attractive for a sector of the population always willing to have fun and participate, especially to help a charitable cause. This creates  engagement  and improves your  online reputation.

8. Consider payment options

Social networks offer you paid advertising solutions, which can pave the way for your business, increase your follower base and boost your sales.

As you can see, there are multiple ways to give visibility to your  business on Instagram  and increase your sales through effective strategies. Start putting them into practice and you will soon see positive results.

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